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Strand by Obaku Sunset Granite Women's Watch -
44 % off
This watch is characterised by it's unique, avant-garde style that merges Danish design and Japanese aesthetics The watch features a beautiful granite dial that is inspired by the natural beauty of a sunset, adding a touch of natural elegance to your wrist
for 51 Qty (₹2,887.00 / piece)
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- Product SKU: S700LXVJMJ
- Product Name: Strand By Obaku Sunset Granite Women'S Watch - S700LXVJMJ
- This watch is characterised by it's unique, avant-garde style that merges Danish design and Japanese aesthetics
- The watch features a beautiful granite dial that is inspired by the natural beauty of a sunset, adding a touch of natural elegance to your wrist
- The watch's case is made of stainless steel for dura
Because of HIGH FESTIVE ORDERS, currently "Customisation - Approval - Delivery" will take 15 - 30 days. Place Your Order Today !
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