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Scotch Brite Scrub Pad Stainless Cutters 5 Pads

Scotch Brite Scrub Pad Stainless Cutters 5 Pads

7 % off



The Scrub Pad Is Made From Superior Fibers, Stain Cutter Technology Uniquely Shaped


for 101 Qty (₹79.00 / piece)

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  • Material NonWoven,
  • No warranty
  • Scrub pad made up of superior fiber
  • stain cutter technology uniquely shaped
  • evenly distributed alox particles and unique S shape

    Household supplies can also help keep a home organized and clutter-free, which can improve efficiency and reduce stress. In addition, using the right household supplies can help protect and maintain the condition of a home, extending the life of furniture, appliances, and other items.

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