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Quaker Oats 400g

Quaker Oats 400g

7 % off



� 100% NATURAL WHOLEGRAIN: Get the right start to your day with nutritious rolled oats that provide lasting energy � HELPS REDUCE CHOLESTEROL: Along with an active lifestyle, consuming 2 bowls of oats per day provides 3g of soluble fiber. Special soluble fiber helps reduce cholesterol as part of a diet low in sodium � RICH IN FIBRE and a good SOURCE OF PROTEIN � LASTING ENERGY: Start your day with a bowl of nutritious Quaker Oats, 100% Natural Wholegrain Oats contain complex carbohydrates that break down slowly to provide lasting energy � HELPS MAINTAIN WEIGHT: Make it a part of your fitness journey to get a well-balanced diet. � EASY TO COOK: Only takes 3 minutes to prepare Quaker Oats � SHELF LIFE: Best quality and flavor if consumed within 365 days


for 101 Qty (₹79.00 / piece)

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  • 100% NATURAL WHOLEGRAIN: Get the right start to your day with nutritious rolled oats that provide lasting energy
  • HELPS REDUCE CHOLESTEROL: Along with an active lifestyle, consuming 2 bowls of oats per day provides 3g of soluble fiber. Special soluble fiber helps reduce cholesterol as part of a diet low in sodium
  • LASTING ENERGY: Start your day with a bowl of nutritious Quaker Oats, 100% Natural Wholegrain Oats contain complex carbohydrates that break down slowly to provide lasting energy
  • HELPS MAINTAIN WEIGHT: Make it a part of your fitness journey to get a well-balanced diet.
  • EASY TO COOK: Only takes 3 minutes to prepare Quaker Oats
  • SHELF LIFE: Best quality and flavor if consumed within 365 days

Because of HIGH FESTIVE ORDERS, currently "Customisation - Approval - Delivery" will take 15 - 30 days. Place Your Order Today !

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