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Flair Student Kit 50

Flair Student Kit 50

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Flair Student Kit 50, part of the Flair Creative Super Kit collection, is a commitment to quality and innovation. Packed with essentials for a school day, this kit includes a pen, pencils, sketch pens, crayons, eraser, scale, and sharpener�a super solution for students.


for 101 Qty (₹43.00 / piece)

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  • Quality and Innovation: Flair Student Kit 50 is a testament to Flair's commitment to quality and innovation. As one of India's top manufacturers of writing instruments, Flair ensures excellence in each component of this comprehensive kit.
  • All the Essentials in One: The Flair Creative Super Kit lives up to its name - it's super. This all-in-one kit is tailored to meet all the needs of a regular school day. It includes a pen, pencils, sketch pens, crayons, eraser, scale, and sharpener, providing a complete solution for students.
  • Versatile Writing Instruments: The kit features a variety of writing instruments, catering to different tasks and preferences. From the precision of pens and pencils to the creative possibilities of sketch pens and crayons, students have a versatile set at their disposal.
  • Comprehensive School Day Solution: Flair Student Kit 50 is designed to simplify a student's routine. With all the essentials included, from writing tools to artistic mediums, this kit ensures students are well-equipped for a successful day at school.
  • Commitment to Excellence: Flair's pillar stones of quality and innovation shine through in this kit. Each component is crafted with precision and care, reflecting Flair's dedication to providing top-notch writing instruments that enhance the learning experience.

Because of HIGH FESTIVE ORDERS, currently "Customisation - Approval - Delivery" will take 15 - 30 days. Place Your Order Today !

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