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Exo Round Dish Shine - (700 Gm)

Exo Round Dish Shine - (700 Gm)

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Exo Dish Shine Round Makes Your Vessels Odorous And Removes Stain.


for 101 Qty (₹89.00 / piece)

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  • The fast action formula with the hyper-cleaning technology quickly removes the toughest of stains and makes your vessels shine like never before. This dish washing bar does not leave traces on the vessel and hence it can be easily washed. It works hard on grease and stains, keeping your utensils fresh and shining

    Cleaning can also help extend the life of household items and surfaces, by removing grime and other substances that can cause wear and tear. In addition, cleaning can improve the appearance of a space, making it more inviting and pleasant to be in.

Because of HIGH FESTIVE ORDERS, currently "Customisation - Approval - Delivery" will take 15 - 30 days. Place Your Order Today !

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