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Classmate Octane Gell Colourburst (Pack Of 10 Colour)

Classmate Octane Gell Colourburst (Pack Of 10 Colour)

12 % off



� 10 captivating colors to bring pictures to lifeg colors to bring pictures to life � Stylish sculpted design that provides a comfortable and ergonomic writing experience. � Use gold and silver glitter colors to create and impact. Especially useful in colouring traditional and ethnic pictures. � Textured and comfortable grip for a super grasp, allowing for better control and precision while writing or colouring. � Gel Ink for a smooth & consistent ink flow that gives you a neat and confident strokes.


for 101 Qty (₹84.00 / piece)

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  • 10 captivating colors to bring pictures to lifeg colors to bring pictures to life
  • Stylish sculpted design that provides a comfortable and ergonomic writing experience.
  • Use gold and silver glitter colors to create and impact. Especially useful in colouring traditional and ethnic pictures.
  • Textured and comfortable grip for a super grasp, allowing for better control and precision while writing or colouring.
  • Gel Ink for a smooth & consistent ink flow that gives you a neat and confident strokes.

Because of HIGH FESTIVE ORDERS, currently "Customisation - Approval - Delivery" will take 15 - 30 days. Place Your Order Today !

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